And then, there are the Squishes of Love, Crookneck & Zucchini, flowering and setting veggie fruit as if they had a contract with Safeway. The secret is in the songs I sing to them. "When you wish upon a squish..."
Moreover, in another raised bed, we have the Pumpkins and Potatoes of Love, lush and luxurious.
And then thar be beans, me boys, Bush Beans of Love.
Two rows of can-alopes. Yes, we can; yes, we can.
Tomatoes grown from seed from the best tomatoes we ate last year, doing mighty fine and so rambunctious, we have to keep them in cages.
Another shot of the corn we got. I hope they don't get arrested for stalking.
A close-up of a Crookneck.
A close look at a Zucchini performing its miracle.
Thank you! I love it! You have a baby pumpkin growing! I have several cantaloupes, my first time ever growing them. I can't wait to try them. It's so beautiful, Dad, and I'll bet it brings you such satisfaction and peace to go out and be among them singing to them after your hard days at work.
Your garden is huge Dad!!! I wanna come hang out in it.
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