5 March 1986, Wednesday
Today will long be remembered by Candy and me, as it was the birthday of Jonah Zachary, born at 1:40 P.M. at Rancocas Valley Hospital in Willingboro, NJ. We had lost a great deal of sleep last night, because Candy was having contractions. What a relief it was when the sun finally arose and the realization came that this was the day, that we wouldn’t have to wait until tomorrow again. Dr. Horn had promised that he would induce her labor on March 5th, if she hadn’t had the baby by then. When he had made that promise, he didn’t really believe that she would last that long. I can’t describe the excitement in our home this morning. The other children were really looking forward to this new baby. Some wanted a boy and some a girl, but all promised to love whatever it turned out to be. We prayed as a family around my bed and asked Heavenly Father to bless Candy and give her strength for the delivery. And we prayed that the baby would be well. Candy and I left the house a little early. We had an appointment at the hospital for 11 A.M., but our excitement made it impossible to sit at home. We drove to my mother’s store in Edgewater Park and waited there instead, talking to my Aunt Marge, Lynn and Mom. We laughed and joked until it was time to leave. My mother packed us some chicken-salad sandwiches and sweet rolls for our day at the hospital. We were nervous; my stomach was churning; Candy made no secret of her nervousness. The thought of what she faced made it easy for her to cry.
We got to the hospital just a few minutes before the hour of 11 A.M. and were quickly escorted to a birthing room. Candy was robed, put into bed, hooked up to the fetal monitor and given an I.V. Dr. Messick came and got things rolling by breaking Candy’s water in a very cruel manner. Fortunately, Dr. Michael Horn came on shift soon after, and Dr. Messick bowed out. Dr. Horn is marvelously sensitive and competent. He was Candy’s Doctor for Noah, and we had such a great experience with him that we wouldn’t think of going to anyone else. I settled down to read our first issue of This People magazine, expecting that I would finish it and have plenty of time to do some other things before the baby came. Surprise! Halfway through the magazine, Candy began to feel the pain quite intensely and to demand anesthesia. She commanded me to find Dr. Horn immediately so that he could increase the dosage. He came, and did, and also announced that the baby was nigh at hand. So we dressed in our gowns and put on our surgical gloves. Since he had agreed to permit me to deliver this baby, as I had Noah, he began to explain the procedure and what I could expect. It soon became clear that we wouldn’t have to wait very long. Candy screamed and pushed, not in stages like they do it in the movies, but in one long continual primal display of strength and agony. Jonah came directly into my waiting hands and I caught him as if I were crouching behind the plate in the final game of the World Series. He’s a boy! I was fairly exhilarated with supreme joy as I clamped and cut the cord and showed him to his weary mother. What a blessing! He is perfectly formed in every detail, without a flaw. I didn’t spank the little guy, but you should have heard him scream! What a beautiful sound! Dr. Horn taught me about the structure of the umbilical cord while we awaited the expulsion of the placenta. Then we examined the placenta. I was just fascinated by the whole process. Miraculous! I held my baby to my face and kissed him. Heavenly Father had answered our every prayer and had blessed Candy as had been promised in the Priesthood blessings.
Jonah is 7 pounds 14 ounces and 21 inches long. I love this son with my whole heart and the mother who suffered to bring him to me! May they both be showered upon with heaven's best blessings. I am so happy that I could fly!
By coincidence, Jonah’s birth resulted in the postponement of my pro-life trial, which was scheduled to commence at noon today in Cherry Hill. I am representing thirteen defendants charged with trespassing at the abortion mill called the Cherry Hill Women’s Center. My clients are thrilled about the reprieve and couldn’t help but recognize the irony of the situation. They have worked so hard to save babies and now a baby saves them!

I think maybe mom was hoping for a girl... Jonah is in red in the first several pictures.
Happy Birthday to Jonah!
I actually remember the abortion thing Dad. I remember you and Mom telling me what abortion was and how horrible it sounded to me.
This was sweet, dad. It's so fun to read your journal entries from special times like births. Jonah's grown into a fine young man and I'm super proud to call him my brother.
Love the journal entry, Dad! I remember that day well too. Are you sure that's Jonah in the second picture though?
Only your angel mother would know for sure. She used to stare at you kids for hours, so I'm sure her memories are better than mine. All I know is that the picture was with my Jonah pictures. It looks like him to me, but my eyes are failing in my old age. Maybe it's a neighbor kid. We used to have lots of those hanging around, looking for a hand-out and a place to throw up.
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